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Selasa, 30 April 2013

Gangsingku Mana...???

Lombok Sasak – Dewasa ini, sulit sekali menemukan anak-anak bermain Gangsing dan masih banyak lagi permainan tradisional lainnya yang sudah jarang kita temukan di Gumi sasak Lombok. Sebaliknya, sangat mudah menemukan anak-anak atau bahkan orang dewasa yang mungkin ‘masa kecilnya kurang bahagia’ kini bermain Play Station, Game Online dan mainan modern lainnya. Tapi tidak bisa dipungkiri ini adalah dampak moderenisasi dan kemajuan zaman. Jika ditelusuri ke berbagai pelosok di Lombok, fakta menunjukan bahwa memang belum sepenuhnya permainan tradisional ini punah, namun semakin menurunnya kuantitas para penggemarnya menjadi ancaman tersendiri kedepannya bagi permainan yang syarat dengan nilai budaya dan manfaat ini.
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas mendefinisikan:
Gangsing adalah mainan yang bisa berputar pada poros dan berkesetimbangan pada suatu titik. Gangsing merupakan mainan tertua yang ditemukan di berbagai situs arkeologi dan masih bisa dikenali. Selain merupakan mainan anak-anak dan orang dewasa, gangsing juga digunakan untuk berjudi dan ramalan nasib.
Sebagian besar gangsing dibuat dari kayu, walaupun sering dibuat dari plastik, atau bahan-bahan lain. Kayu diukir atau dibebet dan dibentuk hingga menjadi bagian badan gaangsing. Tali gangsing umumnya dibuat dari nilon, sedangkan tali gangsing tradisional dibuat dari kulit pohon. Panjang tali gangsing berbeda-beda bergantung pada panjang lengan orang yang memainkan.
Gerakan gangsing berdasarkan efek giroskopik. Gangsing biasanya berputar terhuyung-huyung untuk beberapa saat hingga interaksi bagian kaki (paksi) dengan permukaan tanah membuatnya tegak. Setelah gangsing berputar tegak untuk sementara waktu, momentum sudut dan efek giroskopik berkurang sedikit demi sedikit hingga akhirnya bagian badan terjatuh secara kasar ke permukaan tanah.
Permainan ini dilakukan oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Biasanya, dilakukan di pekarangan rumah yang kondisi tanahnya keras dan datar. Permainan gangsing dapat dilakukan secara perorangan ataupun beregu dengan jumlah pemain yang bervariasi, menurut kebiasaan di daerah masing-masing. Permaian gangsing mengajarkan keapada kita bagaimana kita dituntut untuk bermain tidak curang dan harus mengukiti aturan-aturan yang siduh ditetapkan.

Beragam nama gangsing
Sejumlah daerah memiliki istilah berbeda untuk menyebut gangsing. Masyarakat Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta menyebutnya gangsing atau panggal. Masyarakat Lampung menamaninya pukang, warga Kalimantan Timur menyebutnya begangsing, sedangkan di Maluku disebut Apiong dan di Nusatenggara Barat dinamai Maggangsing. Hanya masyarakat Jambi, Bengkulu, Sumatera Barat, Tanjungpinang dan Kepulauan Riau yang menyebut gangsing. Nama maggangsing atau aggangsing juga dikenal masyarakat Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan. Sedangkan masyarakat Bolaang Mongondow di daerah Sulawesi Utara mengenal gangsing dengan nama Paki. Orang Jawa Timur menyebut gangsing sebagai kekehan. Sedangkan di Yogyakarta, gangsing disebut dengan dua nama berbeda. Jika terbuat dari bambu disebut gangsingan, dan jika terbuat dari kayu dinamai pathon.

Bentuk gangsing
Gangsing memiliki beragam bentuk, tergantung daerahnya. Ada yang bulat lonjong, ada yang berbentuk seperti jantung, kerucut, silinder, juga ada yang berbentuk seperti piring terbang. Gangsing terdiri dari bagian kepala, bagian badan dan bagian kaki (paksi). Namun, bentuk, ukuran dan bagian gangsing berbeda-beda menurut daerah masing-masing. Gangsing di Ambon (apiong) memiliki kepala dan leher. Namun umumnya, gangsing di Jakarta dan Jawa Barat hanya memiliki bagian kepala dan paksi yang tampak jelas, terbuat dari paku atau logam. Sementara paksi gangsing natuna, tidak nampak.

Permainan gangsing
Cara memainkan gangsing, tidaklah sulit. Yang penting, pemain gangsing tidak boleh ragu-ragu saat melempar gangsing ke tanah. Cara:
  1. Gangsing di pegang di tangan kiri, sedangkan tangan kanan memegang tali.
  2. Lilitkan tali pada gangsing, mulai dari bagian paksi sampai bagian badan gangsing. lilit kuat sambil berputar

Senin, 29 April 2013

Descriptive Text

Descriptive texts are the texts which are used to describe about a particular place, person or thing. Descriptions are almost the same as report text. A descriptive text focuses on a specific thing and its specific features. A report usually deals with things in general. Descriptions can be used in textbook, encyclopedias, scientific magazines, historical texts, factual reading book, magazines etc

A. Generic Structure of Descriptive text

1. Identification : identifies the phenomenon to be described
2. Description of Features : describes features in order of importance

• Parts/ things, it is about physical appearance
• Qualities, it can be the degree of beauty, excellence, value or worth
• Characteristic, it can be prominent aspects that are unique

1. Difference between descriptive and reports can be seen as follow: descriptive texts talk about one specific person, place or thing, e.g. “My Car” and reports classify and describe a whole class of thing, e.g. “Cars” (in general). In short, reports deal with general classification and description of thing while descriptive texts describe a particular thing.

2.The description can cover the facts about various aspects of an object (parts, colour, shape, habits, behaviour, personalities etc

B.Generic Features of Descriptive

1.Descriptive texts usually use Simple Present Tense
2.Frequent use of Passive sentences.
3.Use of be (is, am, are, was, were) for the identification and showing qualities
4.Use of verb “Have” (have, has, had) in order to give detail description of the object’s features.
5.Use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when describing behaviours or personalities (for persons)
6.Use of adjectives in describing especially the qualities.

The Example Of Descriptive 

Text My House
I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a small house; but I like living in here for wasting my spare time.

When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in this room.

My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room there is a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends via Face book and so on. 

Next to my bedroom is my mother's. I do not know what is inside because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks; the smell fills my whole house.

I know it is a very small house; but it is the best place I have ever seen.

My family has four members: those are I, my sister, and parents of course.

My mother is 47 years old. Her name's Anisa. She's thin-faced and she's got long, blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She is still slim because she always tries to stay in shape. She is very good-looking, always well-dressed and elegant.

My father, Lukman, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 52. In spite of his age he's still black-haired, with several grey hairs. He has bright blue eyes. He is quite tall, but a bit shorter than me. He's very hard-working. Besides that he is working in a travel company. He can even make a dinner when my mother is outside. His cooking and his meals are always very tasty as well as my mothers'.

Finally, my sister Nadina. She is 22. She is also red-haired and green-eyed. She has long wavy hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than me. She is rather introverted. But she is very sensible, smart and co-operative. Right now she is studying English and also knows Arabic and Mandarin. I want to be so smart as she is.

They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well, because we were living in Bandung for 5 years. My sister have been going to primary school there. Unfortunately I was only 3 when we were leaving to Jakarta, so I can't speak Sundanese. Now we are happily living in Jakarta.

Orange, the popular fruit which is easy to find and relatively cheap, in fact contain much nutrition, which is good for our health. The fruit has widely been known as not only vitamin and mineral-rich fruit but also containing essential substances, which cannot be produced by human body. As a matter of fact, those substances are necessary since they are used in the process of the growth and development of human body.

The non-nutrition compounds in orange can minimize the risk of some dreadful diseases, such as cardiovascular, cancer, and eyes problems. Unfortunately, for many years people see the fruit only as the source of vitamin C while actually it also produces carbohydrate, potassium, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B, phosphor, magnesium, riboflavin, another natural chemical compounds.

Consuming orange is also suggested for those who have diet programme since there are only 60-80 calories in one fruit. Therefore, by having this fruit in daily menu, someone can reduce his or her weight.
As we know ,most cat look so cute ,so does my cat.My cat's name is Cuty. I named Cuty because she looks so cute and make me always want to hug her.Do you want to know about my cat ?

My Cuty has white and orange fur .It is so soft .And make me always want to stroke it. She has blue eyes.Her tail is long.And she also has sharp tooth and of course scary me.The whishkers in her mouth make her si funy.

But,although she looks very cute and funny,when she was angry or want catch her prey like mouse, she is very scary me. Her paws is look so sharp and long.Her sound also change like tiger sound. I never approach her when she is angry.

But,when my Cuty back as ussual ,I approach her again ,and play her ear,her whishkers,her tail and she look very enjoy it.I love my vat so much.

My mother is a beautiful person. She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful  smile. Her weight likes 120 lbs.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she is a good example to me. She loves being in the Church, and she loves sing and dance too.

She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She a very organized person, and all things in the house are in the right place. She doesn't like messes.

She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.

Minggu, 28 April 2013


In this paper we will discuss exiting model of communicative competence and we will continue to present our framework containing pedagogically relevant component. In line with particular purpose of our model, our emphasis has been to provide detailed content specifications for constituent component.
There are two comments we would like to make at the outset. First, our model was developed from an L2 perspective but a great deal of it is assumed to have validity for describing L1 as us as well. Second, we acknowledge the seminal work of the late Michael Canale, done in collaboration with Merrill Swain (Canale & Swain, 1980; Canale, 1983). They did much to focus the attention of applied of linguistics on developing pedagogically relevant and assessment relevant models of communicative competence.

v  Existing Models of Communicative Competence
The first comprehensive model of communicative competence, which was intended to serve both instructional and assessment purpose. This model posted four components of communicative competence:
1.      Grammatical competence – the knowledge of language code (grammatical rules, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling etc.)
2.      Sociolinguistic competence – the mastery of sociocultural code of language use (appropriate application of vocabulary, register, politeness and style in a given situation)
3.      Discourse competence – the ability to combine language structure into different types of cohesive texts (e.g., political speech, poetry)
4.      Strategic competence – the knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies which enhance the efficiency of communication and, where necessary, enable the learner to overcome difficulties when communication breakdown occur.
The other model of communicative language abilities has been proposed by Bachman (1990) divides language knowledge into two categories, both broken down into subcategories.
v  Language Knowledge
1.      Organizational knowledge – the knowledge of the “components involved in controlling the formal structure of language for producing or recognizing grammatically correct sentences and for ordering these to form texts” (MS,p.3/3)
a)      Grammatical knowledge – similar to Canal &  Swain’s grammatical competence.
b)      Textual knowledge – similar to but more elaborate that Canale and Swin’s discourse competence.
2.      Pragmatic knowledge – the knowledge that enable us to relate words and utterances to their meaning, to the intentions of language users and relevant characteristics of the language use contexts (MS.p.3/14)
a)      Lexical knowledge – the knowledge of the meanings of the words and the ability to use figurative language.
b)      Functional knowledge – the knowledge of the relationships between utterances and intentions, or communicative purposes of language users (MS.p.3/14)
c)      Sociolinguistic knowledge – similar to Canale & Swain’s sociolinguistic competence.
In situational language use language knowledge interacts with metacognitive strategies, which are three kinds: (a) assessment (b) goal-setting (c) planning.

v  Proposed Model of Communicative Competence

Main components of each of the five competencies in our model in order to make it applicable to pedagogy. This discussion will be begin with Discourse competence, Linguistics competence, Actional Competence, Sociocultural Competence,and Strategic Competence.
Discourse Competence:
It concerns the selection, sequencing, and arrangement of words, structures and utterances to achieve a unified spoken or written text. Cohesion is the area of discourse competence most closely associated with linguistic competence (see Halliday & Hasan 1976, 1989). It deals with the bottom up elements that help generate text, accounting for how pronouns, demonstratives, articles and other makers signal textual co-reference in written of oral discourse. Coherence is concerned with macrostructure in that its major focus is the expression of content and purpose in terms of top-down organization of propositions. It concerned with what is thematic. For listener or reader coherence relates to ease interpretation they use their linguistics knowledge, sociocultural knowledge and situational clues to relate a pieces of discourse to objects and events beyond the text itself. The generic structure of various types of spoken and written texts is an object of concern in discourse analysis (Halliday & Hasan, 1989; Swales, 1990). Every language has its formal schemata (Carrel 1984). Conversational Structure, which is inherent to the turn-taking system in oral conversation (Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson, 1974)

Linguistic Competence:
It is historically the most thoroughly discussed component of our model, it comprises the basic elements of communication: the sentence patterns and types, the constituent structure, the morphological inflections and the lexical resources as well as the phonological and orthographic systems needed to realize communication as speech or writing (cf. Celce-Murcia & Larsen Freeman, 1983; Celce-Murcia, Brinton & Goodwin, in press)

Actional Competence:
It is defined as competence in conveying and understanding communicative intent that is matching actional intent with linguistic form based on the knowledge of an inventory of verbal schemata that carry illocutionary force (speech acts and speech acts sets).

Sociocultural Competence:
It refers to the speaker’s knowledge of how to express messages appropriately within the overall social and culture context of communication. Sociocultural rules and norms are so ingrained in our own identity (and that of the learner) that is difficult to change behavior based on a new set of assumptions. Cultural factors involve three main components: sociocultural background knowledge of the target language community, awareness of major dialect or regional difference and cross-culture awareness. Widdowson (1990)

Strategic Competence:
It is as knowledge of communication strategies and how to use them. Three functions of strategy use for three different perspective are:  (a) Psycholinguistic perspective (b) Interactional perspective, and (c) Communication continuity/maintenance perspective.